Thursday, November 16, 2006

My Israeli-Arab conflict class is causing to examine some of my feelings towards the situation. Growing up I always felt that the Jews were persecuted by the surrounding Arab nations and the land of Israel belonged to them. It was their Zion, and they are God's chosen people. I even remember my mother telling me that all those who fought against Israel would be smitten down by God. I interpreted this to me that there would be a physical war and all nations that were not on the same side as the nation of Israel would be destroyed. Now, I am starting to re-examine some of these ideas. I still believe that God chose Israel(However, I don't completely understand everything in the Old Testament and what exactly a chosen people means.) , but I also believe that God loves his Palestinian children just as much as he loves the Jews. I think that Israel certainly has a right to exist. I understand that they have a need for security, something which is challenged almost on a daily basis. However, I think that they mistreat the Palestinian people, create unfair economic barriers to trade, and support corrupt regimes if it benefits them. They give undue favor to special interests such as the settlers just like the United States. All these things make it difficult for me to completely support their cause. However, the thing that really bothers me is that I feel as though they have tricked me. I feel like they have not presented an accurate representation of the facts. For example, I thought the barrier wall was a border to protect Israel proper from the terrorists in the West bank. The truth is that it winds in and out of the West Bank. This not only compromises Israeli security but also further degrades the Palestinians. Perhaps, I am wrong about all this, but I really do feel tricked.


At 9:03 AM, Blogger Emilee said...

Of course they use unfair economic practices against the Palestinians. The U. S. regularly uses sanctions and tariffs to punish those they see as their enemies. It is unfair, because the leaders that are promoting the conflict are almost certainly not the ones that suffer the most. I imagine Israel is also afraid the the more money the Palestinians have, the more money will go to supporting terrorist organizations.


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